AcasăsporturiSchiSkiuri marca Audi

Skiuri marca Audi

When it comes to skiing, a good pair of skis, weighting fewer grams and made of high quality materials is very crucial.

Ski-uri marca Audi

Of the number of skis available today, the novel Audi Carbon Ski takes skiers to the next level. Created by the Audi-Concept Design Munich, these skies are designed in such a way to weigh less and look badass.

Layered with aluminum and titanium, the skin of Audi Carbon ski is roofed in a carbon case, bringing total weight to less than 960 grams when compared to other models. Combing the technology from motor sports and winter sports, these Audi Carbon Skis are worth a look.

Calculations during the design process of these skies are made to delineate precisely the number of carbon layers required so as to create the ideal carving ski. Skiers looking to buy a pair of skis can try these Audi carbon skis and have an enjoyable and safe skiing.

They also produce Audi Snowboards, just to make everyone happy.

Ski-uri marca Audi

Ski-uri marca Audi

Ski-uri marca Audi

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