AcasăsporturiSkateboardGraffiti + Skateboarding = awesomeness!

Graffiti + Skateboarding = awesomeness!

In a project by d*face, 4 skaters came up with the idea to arm their skateboards with spray cans and become a human brushes painting one skate pool.

Graffiti plus Skateboarding equals awesomeness!

The project took about a year from conception to its realization. Basically the system relies on a transmitter – a remote control attached to a skateboard – and a receiver, attached by a spray can to the underside of the board.

Graffiti plus Skateboarding equals awesomeness!

The transmitter triggers the receiver that pushes down on the cap of the spray can, releasing varying weights of paint along the skateboard‘s trail.

Graffiti plus Skateboarding equals awesomeness! go watch the full project video.

Sunt pasionat de sport, cu o vastă experiență în domeniu. Prin lansat pe 17 martie 2009, împărtășesc cu cititorii informații valoroase, bine documentate și perspective autentice, având ca scop să ofer un conținut de calitate și să inspir comunitatea în jurul acestei pasiuni.

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